Monday, February 8, 2010

New Here

I'm new here, just finding my way around this bloggy world. Reading some reviews today, mostly of MG books, a few YA.

Interesting that bloggers review so many books - a little overwhelming how much info there is out there about books these days.

Read mostly MG (what I try to write)

Not sure if a blog will help with my writing or hurt it. It would take time to post, and that's time I could be spending on my WIP.

Will see how it goes.

Fascinating some of these writing forums - people post so frequently, how do they ever get their writing done?

Snowy here, and I took the day off for a cold (I teach reading at a NYC Public School) otherwise I would never have time to browse around the Internet.

Is it me, or does everyone write/review/post on forums these days?